Friday, June 1, 2007

The Secret - Law of Attraction (By Aldian Prakoso)

The greatest secret of life is the Law of Attraction. Before I understood this greatest of all secrets, I used to wonder how some of us are so lucky. They have it all. Good life, money, power, limousine, good health and a great family life, everything that makes one a success. At the same time most of us are struggling. There seems to be a lack of everything. A streak of unhappiness seems to tear through their lives. I am sure most of you must be going through this phase in life. It is just that you have not yet known The Secret.

The Secret has been known to people through the ages. Great kings and emperors knew it all along and harnessed its power. Some of the best minds in this world like Einstein, Newton, Thoreau and Edison have acknowledged the infallible laws of attraction. The law of attraction is quite simple really. Many of us are successfully applying the laws in our life without even realizing it.

It all begins with a seed and bursts forth into the tree of life. Likewise, all action begins with a thought. Good thoughts beget good thoughts. Bad, negative thoughts give rise to more negativity. Like attracts like. One should attract positive thoughts. These thoughts would invariably result in positive action. Each positive action will pave the way to more positivity. One question I hear most often is: "How can I summon positive thoughts when all I feel is sadness, misery and loss?" There is no person on this earth who has never felt happy even if momentarily. Listen to your favorite music, recall your first crush, a childhood picnic, maybe! Get on to your favorite flight of fantasy and fly away into the clouds of happiness. And don't let the feeling go. Belief and faith move mountains.

What do you really want? Holiday in Caribbean islands? It is yours. Don't ask how or why. Don't think "I don't have any money for this holiday". Think you are on your way. Simply visualize you being there, swimming in the emerald green waters. And you will be there. Just affirm and reaffirm your thoughts. The magic is in your thoughts. Nothing else matters. It is the law of nature. The positive energy you give out with each positive thought builds up into a train of positive vibrations and culminates into an affirmative action. Wealth, success, health and prosperity are yours for the asking.

Think and ye shall receive.

Aldian Prakoso is an Accelerated Visualization Coach and the owner of OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator Blog. OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator Blog helps business owners and individuals to achieve success, wealth, growth and health by helping them to visualize their goals and dreams vividly. You can instantly download a free report of OptiMINDzation Attraction Accelerator by visiting

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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Hallo Friends..


I just knew that we can earned money through internet. So now I learn everything how to achieve that. Every day I invest my time to learn more and more about this.

I realize the very first thing I need is GOAL. No matter what we do, no matter what we want to achieve, we need GOAL.

If you do not have GOAL, I am sure that you have "something" that you dream about. Perhaps it is a beautiful house, or an exotic car, or you want to go to somewhere you dream about like beautiful beaches, or mountain.. That is what I really mean about GOAL. It is your GOAL.

DREAM about it.. FEEL it like you have had it..

Dream about your GOAL anytime you want.. You know, it would be awaken the BURNING DESIRE in you to achieve that GOAL..

GO for it.. HOW..???

If you do not know HOW to achieve it, you need to see this video

What Is The Secret

And you will find out more at